Victor Abu Sesay
Board Member Representing the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education
Victor Abu Sesay is the Director of Technology and Innovation in the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education (MTHE).
He holds a Masters of Engineering Degree in Telecommunications and Information Systems; Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology; Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) for Windows Servers 2003 and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA) for Windows Servers 2003.
Over the past several years, he has immensely contributed to the nation building in academia, technology and innovation.
He has accumulated a wealth of experience from the private sector; with Millicom SL as Switch Manager, and Millicom Chad as Technical Assistant to the Chief Technology Officer. Prior to his assignments with Tigo, he has worked with SportMark, an international hospitality company during the 2008 olypics games in Beijing as one of the lead ICT support staff. Mr. Sesay started his work career with DrangonNet Technologies in Beijing, where he was network administrator after one year of internship with the same company.
Prior to his current position, he was the Head of Information Communications Technology in the Ministry of Technical and Higher Education, Ministry of Social Welfare, Gender and Children’s Affairs, Ministry of Information and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security, among others
Mr. Sesay is credited as the brain behind the online application portal for the University of Sierra Leone, Njala University, and other tertiary institutions in Sierra Leone.